Thursday, October 18, 2012

Lobster Mushroom

Contestant #14: Lobster Mushroom, Kale Crusaders 1st Annual Halloween Costume Parade, Powered by Vegan MoFo 2012
In October, we're posting one Costume Parade cartoon per weekday as part of Vegan MoFo. Want to go to the beginning of the Costume Parade? Start with some candy corn!

Coming in from what appears to be another planet is our next contestant, Lobster Mushroom.  Lobster Mushroom says, "Though I am neither a lobster nor a mushroom, I am delicious and come in peace."

Speaking of out of this world, check out Lobster Mushroom in previous expeditions, including lobster mushroom bisquelobster mushroom crispy spring rollslobster mushroom tostada tower, and lobster mushroom corn risotto.


  1. OMG. Lobster mushrooms are terrifying and I want to one right now... even though wikipedia says it's a parasite.

  2. The subsequent I return home I deal with cleaning, cooking and protection of mushrooms on the real same day. It ordinarily requires a ton of energy however it needs to be done since newly gathered mushrooms can not remain new as the night progressed (not even in chilly water in the refrigerator!). Buy mushroom grow kit
